Friday, October 30, 2015

Stanley Kubrick

Hi! Today I’m going to talk about my favorite film director, Stanley Kubrick. I knew Stanley Kubrick when I was 13 years old, with the movie A Clockwork Orange (he was the film director). That was the first movie that really excites me and makes me love films. I remember that I saw it 3 times continuous.  

Stanley Kubrick was born in 1928 in New York City. He started directing films in 1951, but before of that he was a photographer in a magazine. He didn’t study in the university or nothing after school.  

In all the Kubrick’s films you can see he’s “photographer eye”, all his movies are simply gorgeous. With his shots he can put the spectator in unimaginable places. Apart of the esthetic on his films, the histories trap you and the scripts are very ingenious. My favorites scripts are of the movies “Full Metal Jacket” and “Dr. Strangelove (or how i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb)” , I think I like both ones because they show what dumb the war is, but in a very particular way, with dialogues that make you question a lot of things.

Well, he died in 1999. But if I could know him I think that I would ask what films mean to him and also what he imagines when he is making a film.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Hello! Today I have to talk about presents. I think that I like all presents, so is difficult to choose only one. But I’m going to talk of one that I really enjoyed. Was tree years ago and my aunt and uncle gave me a ticket to the concert of Paul McCartney. That present was very important to me because I am a very big fan of The Beatles and when I started listened to them it was thanks my uncle and aunt. I remember when I was a child and they made me watched the movies of The Beatles and I love it their music. Paul McCartney isn’t my favorite Beatle (it is George Harrison), but one of my dreams always was to see a alive Beatle.  

Always, when was the concert I really enjoyed it, for me was one of the best recital ever. I went with two friends and some friends of them, we wait four hours before, so we were tired, but when started the recital we forget the exhaustion.  For me was very beautiful and exciting all the concert, but I remembered that I really enjoyed when Paul McCartney sang “Something” from George Harrison, because he made a little tribute to him.

At the present the ticket it is save in a little box where I put all the little things that have value for me. I think that I’m going to remember always that day and I hope to watch him again.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Rural education

Today I’m going to talk about a issue that in my opinion is very interesting and is something that involves all the society, education. Recently I’ve been reading a lot of education, because I’m making my thesis of Rural Education, so I’m going to talk about this particularly.

I think that one of the problems most important in the Chilean education is the shortage of take account of the cultural reality and context of the students. In this sense, the public policies are thinking the most part of the time to one type of school and reality, not contemplating the different kind of context that exists. This affects directly to Rural Education, because them are evaluate at the conditions of urban schools or are obligate to pass subjects that doesn’t apply in their reality.  That has relationship with the interest and motivation that students put on school.

Also Rural Education has problems in the manner that treat teachers. A lot of teachers have to do classes, to children of differents levels, making the docent work with many workload and much times they are not prepare to that type of teaching. In addition with all the teachers of the country, they have very lows salaries.

I hope that one day all the Chilean education have better conditions.

Friday, October 9, 2015


Today the teacher says to us that we can talk about a free theme, so I decide that I’m going to talk about one of the things that I love most: films.

I remember when I was a child that my aunt and uncle invited me to their house, to watched movies with my cousins. My uncle is cinephile, so he put to us different kind of movies, we saw from very old movies (like mute cinema) to that ones that were in the billboard of the cinemas.  Also we watch all the possible genres, like musical, western, horror, comedy, etc.  I’m very grateful for that, because watched all that movies make me love films.
I think there’s no movie that I don’t enjoy. I always have something to rescue from a movie, like the music, the photography, the take, the script, etc. Well, I have to recognize there are some films so bad that I couldn’t finish them.

One of my favorites movies is “A clockwork Orange” of Stanley Kubrick, because when I watched it I love all, I really get emotion with it. At time pass I think that Stanley Kubrick has better movies than “A Clockwork Orange”, but for me that was the first movie that really captivates me.

Actually I have a big collection of films, I hope one time be near of the collection of my uncle, ha has more than five thousands movies!