Friday, October 9, 2015


Today the teacher says to us that we can talk about a free theme, so I decide that I’m going to talk about one of the things that I love most: films.

I remember when I was a child that my aunt and uncle invited me to their house, to watched movies with my cousins. My uncle is cinephile, so he put to us different kind of movies, we saw from very old movies (like mute cinema) to that ones that were in the billboard of the cinemas.  Also we watch all the possible genres, like musical, western, horror, comedy, etc.  I’m very grateful for that, because watched all that movies make me love films.
I think there’s no movie that I don’t enjoy. I always have something to rescue from a movie, like the music, the photography, the take, the script, etc. Well, I have to recognize there are some films so bad that I couldn’t finish them.

One of my favorites movies is “A clockwork Orange” of Stanley Kubrick, because when I watched it I love all, I really get emotion with it. At time pass I think that Stanley Kubrick has better movies than “A Clockwork Orange”, but for me that was the first movie that really captivates me.

Actually I have a big collection of films, I hope one time be near of the collection of my uncle, ha has more than five thousands movies! 


  1. I just put a post about this same topic :D I love movies too, and Stanley Kubrick is also one of my favorite directors... Bye ! :)

  2. I suppose that I have a little debt with the cine, because I haven´t seen all the movies that I have wanted to see...but never is too late to remedy it (I love Scorsese)
