Friday, October 16, 2015

Rural education

Today I’m going to talk about a issue that in my opinion is very interesting and is something that involves all the society, education. Recently I’ve been reading a lot of education, because I’m making my thesis of Rural Education, so I’m going to talk about this particularly.

I think that one of the problems most important in the Chilean education is the shortage of take account of the cultural reality and context of the students. In this sense, the public policies are thinking the most part of the time to one type of school and reality, not contemplating the different kind of context that exists. This affects directly to Rural Education, because them are evaluate at the conditions of urban schools or are obligate to pass subjects that doesn’t apply in their reality.  That has relationship with the interest and motivation that students put on school.

Also Rural Education has problems in the manner that treat teachers. A lot of teachers have to do classes, to children of differents levels, making the docent work with many workload and much times they are not prepare to that type of teaching. In addition with all the teachers of the country, they have very lows salaries.

I hope that one day all the Chilean education have better conditions.

1 comment:

  1. Rural education is a problem that we tend to forget. The mother of my boyfriend impart classes in a rural school and is very demanding. Happy teachers day for all the rural teachers!
